二十四节气 | 谷雨:雨生百谷万物更新,人间芳菲已向暖-世界简讯

2023-04-25 11:48:09 来源:北京海外文化交流



《通纬·孝经援神契》载 “清明后十五日,斗指辰,为谷雨,三月中,言雨生百谷清净明洁也。”也就是说,谷雨中的“谷”指的就是由雨水催发的诸种作物。

When the sun reaches the celestial longitudes of 30° from April 19 to 21 each year, cold currents recede and rainfalls increase, marking the arrival of Grain Rain.

According to the ancient book Tong Wei –Xiao Jing Yuan Shen Qi, “Grain Rain arrives when the Big Dipper pointed at Chen, 15 days after Qingming. In the middle of the third lunar month, crops begin to grow and everything becomes clear with the increase of rainfalls.”Grain Rain derived its name from various crops budding in the rain.


Saying Goodbye to Spring



Grain Rain is the last solar term in spring. At the conjuncture between spring and summer, most flowers begin to fade, and aquatic plants begin to sprout. The scene triggers a sense of lament on the end of spring.

There isn’t a specific date to say goodbye to spring. In his poem, Tang Dynasty (618-907) poet Du Fu wrote that “spring begins to recede alongside the first falling petal”. Asensitiveperson may lament on the first falling petal. Even if flowers still bloom at the time, they already say goodbye to spring.


Photo fromXinhuanet.com& copyright holder




“Grievingover the passing of spring or feelingsad with the advent of autumn”has been a common sentiment conveyed in ancient poems and prose works. However, it is natural for crops to sprout in spring, grow in summer, be harvested in autumn and be stored in winter. The cycle repeats itself year after year. People can witness the renewing of everything with the advent of the next spring.

The four seasons rotate one after another, and people should follow the law of nature and act on the changes of seasons. Thus, there is no need to grieve over the end of spring because the changes of seasons meet the law of nature. The 24 Solar Terms just embody Chinese wisdom on the law of nature.

“It is needless to grieve over the crescentand fading flowers since flowers will boom again and the full moon will re-emerge one day”. Spring is like an old friend who will come to visit us next year.

雨生百谷 布谷声声

Crops Sprout in Rains amid the Singing of Cuckoos


这个“谷”字,与“小满”、“芒种”等节气名称一样, 是农业文化在华夏文明中留下的鲜明印记。


The 24 Solar Terms were born in agricultural practicein ancient China. In fact, each of them is connected to agricultural activities. According toQun Fang Pu (Notes on Various Herbs), “the name of Gain Rain was derived from the fact that crops sprout in the rain”.

Just like solar terms like Lesser Fullnessand Grain in Ear, Grain Rain represents a distinct mark left by agricultural culture in Chinese civilization.

According to Yue Ling Qi Shi Er Hou Ji Jie(Collection of Annotations to 72 Lunar Phenological Phenomena), the second phenologicalphenomenonof Grain Rain is “singing birds combing their feathers”. Here, the“birds”refer to species like turtledoves and cuckoos. Later generations usually link Grain Rain with cuckoos.


Photo from copyright holder


In his encyclopedicwork Ye Hang Chuan(Night Vessel), ZhangDai of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) described singing cuckoos as a sign to urge “people to sow grain”or “pull off old pants”–a symbol of ringing out the old and ringing in the new. In the busy farming season, the cry of beasts and birds reflects the inner desire of the people, which demonstrates Chinese ancestors’rich, interesting imagination.

煮茶闲坐 谷雨茶事

Enjoying Tea around Grain Rain


Photo from copyright holder



An old saying goes that “Grain Rain is a time to collect tea leaves in the rain.”Collecting and drinking tea is a traditional custom of Grain Rain. Tea gathered just before Grain Rain can clear away internal heat and improve eyesight. QiJi, a monk and poet in the Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem: “Prior to Grain Rain, I collect tea leaves with both hands in the spring mountain; The green tea leaves are too light to fill the basket to the full until the clear day turns to darkness; Gathering with neighbors in the courtyard, I try to soak the tea with water from the falling flower spring…”

On a clear, bright day, it is enjoyable to collect fresh tea from mountains, soak it with spring water, and enjoy it with your neighbors while chatting with each other.


Photo from Xinhuanet.com




ZhengBanqiao, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), also wrote a poem on “tea before Grain Rain”: “Amid several bamboos with newly sprouted leaves, I draw the distant mountain with simple strokes; As Qingming has passed and Grain Rain is arriving, I sips a cup of scented tea in the middle of the yard.”

This poem vividly depicts the harmony between poetry and painting and the coexistencebetween man and nature. The artificial “nature”depicted in poems and paintings integrates with the real nature, reminding us the structure of the Chinese character for “tea”, which indicates a man sitting amid grass and tree.

It is a pleasant experienceto enjoy tea.

仓颉造字 汉字传承

Cang JieInventing Chinese Characters and the Inheritance of Chinese Language



In fact, Grain Rain has some relations with Chinese characters. Legend goes that after Cang Jie invented Chinese characters, a grain rain fell, so that day was called Grain Rain. This is another saying about the origin of Grain Rain.

The legend was recorded in Huai Nan Zi(Writings of Prince Huainan): “On the day when Cang Jie invented Chinese characters, a grain rain fell and ghosts cried at night.”Such a depiction indicates the invention of Chinese characters is a milestone event in the history of Chinese civilization. The “grain rain”symbolized an eulogy of civilization, and “ghosts cried”because they would have nowhere to hide with the invention of written language.



Oracle bone inscriptions (left) and a portrait of Cang Jie, the legendaryinventor of Chinese characters (middle)

Photos from Classified Collection of Oracle Bone Inscriptions Unearthed from the Yin Ruinsand Yushang.org.cn



To remember Cang Jie, the inventor of Chinese characters, and promote the global use of Chinese language, one of the six official languages of the United Nations, April 20 has been designated as the UN Chinese Language Day.

The wondrous connection between Grain Rain and Chinese characters continues reminding us that the 24 Solar Terms are not only an embodiment of the law of nature extracted by Chinese ancestors based on their feelings of heaven and earth, but also have inseparablerelations with every aspect of traditional Chinese culture.


Tips for Grain Rain


The temperaturegradually rises with the advent of Grain Rain. People would already feel it hot in some places of southern China. By the time, outdoors activities have increased. Considering that poplar and willow catkins float everywhere, those with allergiesshould pay attention to avoiding diseases like pollinosis, allergic rhinitis, and allergic asthma. Enjoying a similar fame with “tea before Qingming”, “tea before Grain Rain”contains rich vitaminsand amino acids and are thus good to health.


1. 谷雨节气知多少:传说与仓颉有关 意味暮春到来,央视网

2. 我们的节日|中国传统二十四节气:谷雨,中国美术学院百家号

3. 余世存,《时间之书:余世存说二十四季节》,中国友谊出版公司,2017年1月第一版




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